Fallout 4 Players Worried After Bethesda Announces Another Update

Fallout 4 has another update on the way, but is that a good thing?

The nearly nine-year-old Fallout 4 has another update on the way, Bethesda announced this week. Under normal circumstances for a game that's that old, another update would normally be cause for celebration and curiosity about what developers might want to do next with a game that's been out for so long, but in this case, players aren't so optimistic. Some are hopeful that the next update Fallout 4 gets after its big next-gen update will clean up some of the bugs and other issues the previous one introduced, but many more are worried that this next update will break all their mods all over again.

This next Fallout 4 update is arriving on Monday, Bethesda said, and while we don't yet have patch notes for it, Bethesda said that it'll have fixes for graphics settings, performance issues, and other problems that cropped up after the most recent update dropped. Just like the last update which went out for all platforms, PC included, even though it was primarily geared towards the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles, this next update will be available on all three platforms.

"On Monday, May 13 we will be updating Fallout 4 on all platforms," Bethesda said. "This update will include new options for graphics and performance settings as well as further fixes and improvements. Thanks for your continued feedback and support!"

The best case scenario here is that the Fallout 4 update releasing next week takes care of the issues players have been experiencing such as broken, invisible weapons and insufficient support for wide displays. If that's the case and there isn't much else to speak of in the update, PC players at least should be in the clear.

The other outcome is that players who had to postpone their Fallout 4 playthroughs due to broken mods will once again find themselves waiting for modders to repair their tools and make them compatible with this next update. Mods are prone to breaking whenever new updates for games are released which typically results in the modders having to step in and put everything back together, but that hasn't been an issue for Fallout 4 in the past few years since the game's so old. As such, some mods weren't so easy to be made compatible again, and for those that might've been fixed by now, the update coming on Monday poses another risk.

Unfortunately for Fallout 4 players, the outcome won't become evident until the update is released, so if you're playing on PC and are worried about your mods and save files, perhaps it's best to hold off on this update and allow others to be the guinea pigs.