X-Men '97 Season Finale Recap with Spoilers: "Tolerance Is Extinction — Part 3"

Here's what you missed in X-Men '97's Season 1 finale.

After nine weeks and countless Internet-breaking moments, the first season of X-Men '97 has now drawn to a close. The Disney+ animated series has been building to a three-part finale, and with the first two installments of "Tolerance Is Extinction" already delivering some major revelations, fans were definitely eager to see what the finale had in store. If you need help breaking down the ins and outs of X-Men '97's Season 1 finale, we're here to help.

Obviously, spoilers for the Season 1 finale of X-Men '97, "Tolerance Is Extinction — Part 3", below! Only look if you want to know!

What Happens in the X-Men '97 Season 1 Finale?

In a flashback in a wartime bar, Charles and Magnus debate about the existence of mutants and how to handle human-mutant relations. They reveal to each other that they're mutants. We soon learn that this flashback is actually a psychic construct from Charles, trying to help Magnus survive following their conflict in the previous episode. Charles threatens to control Magnus to turn the power back on, even though it could destroy both of their minds in the process. Charles does it anyway, and heroes throughout the world — Iron Man, Captain America, Daredevil, and Doctor Strange — watch as the power is restored.

Bastion and Sinister hold the X-Men on the island hostage. Bastion torments the X-Men, and refuses to listen to their appeals to his humanity. Bastion's Sentinels start attacking throughout the world at the heroes, including Black Panther, Cloak & Dagger, and Alpha Flight. He then tortures Cable over the loss of both Jean and Madelyne, until Jean reemerges from the water with the Phoenix Force. She temporarily puts the power-dampening collar on Bastion, which shuts down the Sentinels, and uses her powers to take away the mutant DNA causing Sinister's youth. This turns Sinister into an old man and frees Cable from his mind control, but Bastion is able to overcome the collar and steal Cable's metal arm. He beats him with it, and then uses the advanced technology within to transform his exterior into something more powerful. He then heads to Asteroid M, planing to hurl it towards Earth.

Captain America and Black Panther try to talk President Kelly out of launching "The Magneto Protocols", which would nuke Asteroid M.

When Bastion arrives at Asteroid M, Rogue begins fighting him in Gambit's memory. Roberto — now fully using his superhero code name of Sunspot — joins in to help. Bastion makes it inside Asteroid M's base and fights the rest of the X-Men, ultimately destroying part of his body in the process. Suddenly, a Sentinel arrives carrying Jean, Storm, Morph, and Beast. Scott tells the team to stop fighting Bastion, and tries to reason with him. Bastion continues to express his hatred for humanity, just as the nukes from The Magento Protocols head towards Asteroid M. Jean protects the team in a psychic bubble, but Bastion appears to die before he can get into it. Asteroid M begins hurtling towards Earth, and Scott considers staying behind to destroy the base before it can hit Earth. Instead, Beast suggests that the team utilize their powers together.

Jean and Scott psychically project themselves to Cable, to apologize for their mistakes and say goodbye. Cable expresses regret that he didn't get to grow up alongside the X-Men, but Jean insists that his spirit was always with them. Jean uses her powers to allow Cable to see Scott's real eyes, and tells him he loves him. 

Asteroid M continues to head towards Earth. Morph transforms into Jean to tell an ailing Logan that she loves him. Jubilee and Roberto join Forge and Val Cooper on Earth, 

Back in Charles' psychic construct, Magnus begins to lose grasp of his memories. Charles reminds Magnus of the other people who have helped him through his pain — Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Polaris. Charles insists that they're like brothers to each other, and promises that he will always be there for him. Magnus struggles to process his past with the Holocaust, and the lack of memories he has of his parents. Charles insists that he and the X-Men can be Magnus' found family, and that helps Magnus suddenly remember everything. He regains his memories and returns to consciousness, insisting that "Magneto lives." He helps stop Asteroid M from hitting Earth — but suddenly, the entire asteroid and everyone on it vanishes. 

Six months later, Forge continues to search for the missing X-Men, as there are rumblings about pro-Magneto followers. Bishop shows up and offers to help him rescue the X-Men through time. We then see the X-Men split across two settings — Egypt in 3000 BC, and an unknown location in 3960 AD. In Egypt, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Charles, Magneto, and Beast approach a hostile village and find a masked fighter who introduces himself as En Sabah Nur. Over the dunes, they see a massive dome in place of where the pyramids once were. In the future, Jean and Scott are greeted by followers of the Clan Askani — including a younger Cable. 

In the present day, Apocalypse arrives on Genosha and retrieves one of Gambit's playing cards.

The first season of X-Men '97 is available to stream exclusively on Disney+. If you haven't signed up for Disney+ yet, you can try it out here.

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