New Rumor Suggests Perfect Dark's Status Isn't "That Bad"

What's really going on with Perfect Dark?

If you're wondering where the status of Xbox's upcoming Perfect Dark game currently lies, you're certainly not alone given it was announced over three years ago and official updates since have been scarce, to say the least. While just a few days ago several pundits and gaming journalists indicated that the game's status is looking bleak, with Jeff Grubb specifically noting he's "been hearing for years that Perfect Dark is in a rough state," there's a new source coming forward that has different information.

NateTheHAte, a well-known Nintendo and reliable Xbox leaker, spoke on the Spawncast podcast titled "Xbox In Turmoil" uploaded on May 10th and indicated that not only is Perfect Dark's development status less concerning that others have suggested, NateTheHate expects the game to be shown at the June Xbox Showcase. The consistent source noted:

"At this point, I fully expect that we will see Perfect Dark next month, and that some of the more recent rumors may have been outdated information perhaps...I have been hearing things this week that Perfect Dark is not in that bad of a state."

NateTheHate's assertion would align with comments from Crystal Dynamics from last year on social media, in which they said thanks "to everyone for reaching out and asking about the most recent news by our parent company Embracer Group regarding the restricting plans. We want to reassure fans that there will be no impacts to our continuing efforts with our partners at The Initiative on Perfect Dark, or our next Tomb Raider title being developed in collaboration with Amazon Games." However, given that Grubb's assertion that Perfect Dark's development is in trouble was backed up by several additional sources, one of which that even said they've heard "some crazy stories about the development," the game's status is shaping up to be a confusing and conflicting topic for gamers looking forward to it.

Of course, this is all ultimately leaked information and rumors, so the speculation should be taken with a grain of salt and the only way we'll know for certain which side's information is correct is when Xbox gives the next official update for the game. If one side is right we should know next month, and if they're not...well, gamers might need to prepare to be patient on updates for a while longer.